The objectives of the permaculture music project are:

  • To make music a stronger, more creative element of the permaculture movement, and ‘to distil the movement that is permaculture into music’ 
  • To make permaculture more accessible using songs and music to store, grow and spread knowledge
  • To close the loop back to our roots, back to arts and dance, and to traditional, cultural learning methods
  • To make content that is in an ‘introduction to permaculture’ courses and in a PDC (permaculture design certificate) course available in a range of different cultural formats 

This is the next evolution in permacultureCharlie Mgee, Formidable Vegetable Sound System

The initial outputs and outcomes of the permaculture music project are:

  • 3+ permaculture music albums available in different formats, including a first ‘permamusic’ album in Spanish and a first ‘perma-reggae’ album
  • Funding for physical PermaYouth projects in refugee settlements in Africa
    • to train young people through Permaculture courses and teacher training
    • create 2+ permaculture good practice demonstration sites in refugee settlements in Kenya and Uganda
  • Improving the design and functioning of this online permaculture music platform to:
    • Make this music available globally
    • Host forums and other ways to connect and engage people together around permaculture and music
    • Inspire the creation of new music, new permaculture activity, and new local-to-global collaborations in these fields 

The permaculture music project has been initiated and is supported by a team including Permaculture South Australia, The Tropical Permaculture Guidebook, PermatilGlobal, the Formidible Vegetable Sound System, Morag Gamble & PermaYouth, Rakesh Rootsman, IPEN (International Permaculture Education Network), Permaculture Magazine.